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Fur Real Conversations

Welcome to Fur Real Conversations, where you can find content discussing life with pets!

Here you can explore my blogs and podcast episodes...

Reactive Dog on walk

What Is A Reactive Dog? Are you worried that your dog might be classed as…

Why you don't need to be firmer with your pet

Many people I speak to about their pet’s behaviour mention worrying about doing the right…

Dog Training Goals

Episode Summary In this episode, I share my personal experiences with my dogs Ivy and…

Dog and Cat

Episode Summary Are you ready to introduce a new pet companion to the family? In…

Puppy Training

Episode Summary When welcoming a new puppy home, getting organised is a must. In this…

Clinical Animal Behaviourist

Episode Summary Have you ever met a dog that changed your life? I did. Her…

Dog in her safe space

Crate Training Your Dog A crate can be an excellent way to create a dog-safe…

Rescue Dog

Taking on a rescue dog is such a rewarding experience! You’re giving an animal a…

Dog wearing a harness

There is no shortage of conflicting information when it comes to what to walk your…

Dog Barking

It can understandably be frustrating when your dog won’t stop barking, especially if it’s starting…

dog to come back when called

A reliable recall can open up so many options and make your walks much more…

Cat & Dog

Caring for our pets daily puts us in a great position to observe our pets…