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Fur Real Conversations

Welcome to Fur Real Conversations, where you can find content discussing life with pets!

Here you can explore my blogs and podcast episodes...

Dog and Cat

Episode Summary It’s lovely to be able to share your home with both a dog…

dog body language

Have you ever wished your dog could tell you how they’re feeling? Well, unfortunately they…

feral rescue cat

Episode Summary In episode one I spoke about how I wanted to rehome a feral…

Stressful dog walks

Episode Summary When Poppy first started reacting on walks I didn’t understand why. She would…

How to crate train a dog

Episode Summary Have you ever wondered how best to use a dog crate and crate…

Overseas rescue dog behaviour

Episode Summary In this episode, I chat with Charlotte all about her experience of adopting…

Spaniel lying down

Episode Summary Looking back at photos of Ivy, my dog when she was a puppy…

Black and white spaniel

Episode Summary In this episode, I chat with Katie, who you can find on Instagram…

Obedience in dogs

Episode Summary In this episode, I chat about obedience in dogs and explain why I’m…

Aggression In Dogs

Episode Summary What is the truth behind aggression in dogs? In this episode, I discuss…

How to help your cats live together in harmony

Episode Summary: Expert Advice with Lucy Hoile Are you wondering how to help your cats…

Dog Training Goals

Episode Summary In this episode, I share my personal experiences with my dogs Ivy and…